How To Claim A Podcast Name

How To Claim A Podcast Name

If you're thinking about starting a podcast you may be asking this question.

If you're a business or a brand and your name is already copy written then there's less to worry about.  A podcast that has the same name as your copy written brand or business is an asset of that business.

If you're an individual looking to start a podcast with a podcast name you just came up with, it may be a little different. 

First you may want to check if the exact show name is taken or a close variation of the show is taken.  If the name isn't taken then you can proceed.  If the name or variation does exist, you may want to check if the existing podcast(s) with the same or similar name are in the same category or niche as you.  If it's somewhat of a generic name where numerous topics are covered in a variety of categories, you may get away with using the name.

If your potential podcast's name isn't taken and you want to create a precedent,  You may want to decide on a podcast host, record a trailer, upload your trailer, and submit your new show to Apple Podcast Connect and Spotify for Podcasts so your show's trailer is on the platforms when you're ready to release episodes.  If another show pops up in the future, with the same or similar name and some sort of disagreement arises, there is formal proof you're show started before others that may launch with the same or similar name.

There's no clean answer to this just as mentioned above, it entirely depends on the situation your potential name falls into.