Motivation Episodes

Jan. 2, 2019

Ep #44 New Year Same Goals - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Happy New Year 2019. Just because it is a new year doesn't mean you will or you won't succeed. Time is a human construct, work towards your goals. Move forward one step at a time and don't stay stagnant. Pursue your goals agg...
Sept. 19, 2018

Ep #34 Do Your Best In Everything You Do - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience Podcast

Regardless what you do in life, do your best. It is something you can control and will help you reach your goals. If you want to be in a dream job one day, treat your current role that you may not like in the same way. This e...
Sept. 9, 2018

Ep #31 Motivation And The Lack Thereof - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience Podcast

Everyone is motivated at times and other feel like they can't do anything at all. It's all temporary and if you think of it being short term it'll last alot shorter. This episode is brought to you by Nova Zora Digital . See ...
July 27, 2018

Ep #28 Stop Making Excuses - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Everyone makes excuses why they aren't succeeding in their professional and business lives. Some have to do where they started and what they currently are going through. Someone has graduated Harvard Business School being dea...
July 17, 2018

Ep #26 Motivate Yourself - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience Podcast

You can watch all the motivational videos and listen to all the podcasts you want, but if you don't motivate yourself none of that matters. The high lasts for a short time, and you manage not to get any productivity out of it...
April 20, 2018

Ep #18 People Don't Want to Be Successful - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Hi this is Roman Prokopchuk and this is Ep #18 People Don't Want to be Successful of the Digital Savage Experience Podcast. If you are hungry and motivated you may see situations around you that don't make sense from a succes...