Marketing Episodes

Jan. 9, 2019

#Ep 46 Not All SEOs Are Created Equal - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience Podcast

Search engine optimization has been around almost as long as websites have. You are going to have a choice between SEO practitioners and generalists. Do your research about who can add value to your business and what their re...
Dec. 31, 2018

Ep #43 5 SEO Trends For 2019 - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience Podcast

We are a few short days away from 2019. Some things change and some things stay the same in the seo landscape, but with changing times, you need to prioritize your focus. You need to be aware of what to focus on based on the ...
Dec. 21, 2018

Ep #40 Lawyers Dont Be Afraid to Market on Social Media - Digital Savage Experience Podcast

Many attorneys are still reluctant to market and engage on social media Some of the fears are because of bar association policies. Some lawyers simply don't have the time or the budget. Regardless of what the reason is, it sh...
Nov. 29, 2018

Ep #39 Watch Out For Several Instagram Updates Late 2018 and Early 2019 - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital

Watch Out For Several Instagram Updates Late 2018 and Early 2019 Like every social platform, Instagram has seen major changes over time. Some of those changes benefit the user, and some benefit the platform. The Layout of Yo...
Nov. 23, 2018

Ep #38 Attending The NJ Ad Club Innovation Summit - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Attending The NJ Ad Club Innovation Summit at Bell Works I got the chance to attend the NJ Ad Club Innovation Summit October 11th. There were 3 session blocks with six sessions per block. Attendees picked the 3 sessions they ...
Oct. 8, 2018

Ep #36 Link Building Still Important For SEO in 2019 - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Link building has been a core ranking factor in seo since the beginning, and it won't be going away anytime soon. The communities that link to you still tell search engines and individuals how credible you are in your field i...
Aug. 7, 2018

Ep #29 Stop Spammy SEO Link Building Techniques In 2018 - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experien

Majority of the spammy stuff that once worked in terms of link building for seo either has no value or has a negative effect. Stop these low quality efforts and focus on promoting content that adds value and relationship buil...
June 26, 2018

Ep #24 IGtv Is Here - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Hi everyone this is Roman Prokopchuk and this is the Digital Savage Experience. Instagram launched IGtv, it's long form video play where anyone can be a creator, and videos are up to 1 hour long in correlation with their anno...
June 14, 2018

Ep #23 Digital Marketing Executive & A New Foster Parent - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experie

I've been in digital marketing for over 10 years with no kids in the mix. 2 weeks ago my wife and I got licensed as foster parents and got our first placement, 2 brothers, 15 months and 3 years that have been a blessing and a...
May 2, 2018

Ep #19 Underpriced Attention - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Roman Prokopchuk discusses under-priced attention he has seen recently, and places you should be testing your marketing dollars. If you are a big business or a small brand your marketing dollars are important to you. You want...
April 11, 2018

Ep #17 My Analysis of Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the Senate Hot Seat - Roman Prokopchuk's Dig

Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress Wednesday April 11, 2018 about the Cambridge Analytica data issues. While he was nervous and dodgy on some answers he gave, Congress for the most part were very out of touch about tec...
April 10, 2018

Ep #16 How to Drive Pharmaceutical Marketing Success - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

Pharma and Biotech marketing teams play beat the clock with the time they have to market a drug to HCP and DTC segments. Once a patent ends the drug can go generic and the money goes away. Having worked with many Pharmaceu...
April 9, 2018

Ep #15 Tools That Make Up My Digital Marketing Tool Set - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

We all have our favorite tools as digital marketers that help us get the job done. These are just a few I use on an everyday basis. With these 4 tools you can essentially run a whole agency that focuses on content, seo, and s...
April 6, 2018

Ep #14 Steps to Build A Custom Alexa Skill - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

This is Roman Prokopchuk and this is the Digital Savage Experience. Since voice assistants continue to grow in influence, I just wanted to share a guide which provides steps to create a new custom Alexa skill. This informatio...
April 4, 2018

Ep #13 Digital Marketing Tools in My Agency Tool Set - Roman Prokopchuk's Digital Savage Experience

You may be the smartest digital marketer out there, but you are only as good as your tools. Tools save time, money, and provide valuable insights. I'd like to share with you some of the tools I use on an everyday basis. This ...