Instagram has changed since it's stand alone years. Now owned by Facebook, it is a highly popular visual platform with many new features. Things like stories taken from Snapchat. It is important to consider a hashtag strategy...
This episode dives into the digital marketing trends that will be important in 2018. From mobile, VR, AR, and video. To Rank Brain and new marketing channels created like self driving cars. No matter the case, stay prepared a...
Hi this is Roman Prokopchuk and this is the Digital Savage Experience. This is my advanced onsite seo strategy that I've perfected over 10 years of being in SEO to future proof your onsite SEO efforts. This episode is brought...
So Google has increased their description snippet length from 160 to 230. Why you should update your description tags as soon as possible. This episode is brought to you by Nova Zora Digital . See what Nova Zora Digital can ...
You've heard about blockchain in terms of chryptocurrencies, but have you wondered about other applications of block such as in digital marketing? This episode is brought to you by Nova Zora Digital . See what Nova Zora Digi...